Roof Coating Twin Falls, Idaho

Roofing systems are meant to withstand exposure to sunlight, temperature variations, and moisture, whether snow or rain. Nevertheless, exposure to the elements causes roofing layers to degenerate over the years. Roof coatings are one of the methods commonly used to boost the longevity of a commercial roof. A roof coating is just what it sounds like: adding a layer or coat of material over your existing roof. However, applying a coating is not so simple as that! Call High Country Roofing today at (208) 251-8203 to consult our experts about your roof in Twin Falls, Idaho!blank

Benefits of Roof Coatings

Roof coatings are recommended for good reason. It adds a coat of protection to your roof, protecting your property from rain, hail, and snow. Some types of coatings can also help cool your property because of their UV reflective properties. Perhaps the most important factor for getting a roof coating is the cost savings. A roof coating can add life to your roof while costing you only around 30 to 40% of a complete roof replacement.

Types of Roof Coatings

The diversity in roof shapes, surfaces, and needs mean that no single roof coating can be used as a one-fits-all solution. Therefore, coatings of different natures are available and are used based on each roof’s needs. There are too many types of coatings to list, but some routinely used coatings include:

  • Acrylic coating: It is the most frequently used type of coating because it is inexpensive, lightweight, and long-lasting. It can protect the roof from damage by reflecting UV rays in sunlight. These tend to keep the property cooler during the heat of the day.blank
  • Silicone coating: Tends to be relatively expensive. It is similar to acrylic coating but comes with the added benefit of being extremely resistant to water, so it is often preferred in places where rain is a common incidence.
  • Polyurethane coating: This coating is the best choice for roofs with heavy foot traffic because of its resistance to impact and color loss.
  • Asphalt coating: Can be applied smoothly onto bitumen and asphalt roofs. It is UV-stable and has the added benefit of being resistant to degradation by cold weather, which is quite common in the winters of Twin Falls, Idaho.

Why Choose High Country Roofing?

Our team of experts has years of experience providing top-notch roofing solutions to an array of satisfied customers. Our diverse range of services means that we have proudly been able to work with clients to meet their unique roofing needs and budgets. Have you got a roof in Twin Falls, Idaho, that you think could use a roof coating? Call High Country Roofing today at (208) 251-8203 to talk to an expert about your roofing needs!